In this week's message, we explore the Great Commission and our role in God's rescue mission. Jesus calls us to "go and make disciples" (Matthew 28:18-20), but it starts right where we are. Empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), we're sent out to share the Gospel—first in our local community, then to the world.
No one is too broken to be used by God. Just as He empowered the early church, He equips us today to fulfill His mission, inviting others to experience the rescue story of salvation.
Are you ready to join the mission?
#ActsLifeOnMission #Worship #Fellowship #SpiritualBattle #Celebrate #ChurchCommunity
Week 4: Pentecost | Acts: Life on Mission When most people think of the Holy Spirit, a variety of images and ideas might come...
Week 4 of Becoming Me This is a series that is all about becoming who God created us to be, and we’re going to...
There is no formula to start a relationship with God. Did you know there’s not just one way to teach someone the gospel message?...