In this week's message, we explore the Great Commission and our role in God's rescue mission. Jesus calls us to "go and make disciples" (Matthew 28:18-20), but it starts right where we are. Empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), we're sent out to share the Gospel—first in our local community, then to the world.
No one is too broken to be used by God. Just as He empowered the early church, He equips us today to fulfill His mission, inviting others to experience the rescue story of salvation.
Are you ready to join the mission?
#ActsLifeOnMission #Worship #Fellowship #SpiritualBattle #Celebrate #ChurchCommunity
Week 4 of At The Movies 2021 This week Pastor Mike uses movie clips from X-Men: First Class. Teaching Text Matthew 4:18-2218 One day...
Have you ever felt unqualified, unworthy, or unloved? Ever been in a place in life where you truly felt like a fish out of...