In this teaching, we hear from Pastor Mike as he talks about growth in desserts. Growth is possible in the desert because before the rain comes seeds were already planted. What's the desert in your life right now? Maybe you're in debt, your marriage is falling apart, you're addicted to porn, you hate your job, you feel lonely, and you’re overwhelmed. There are good seeds in there so water them.
We can sit around and complain that we are not getting enough rain to grow the seeds, OR we can water the ground.
Have you ever felt unqualified, unworthy, or unloved? Ever been in a place in life where you truly felt like a fish out of...
In this week’s message from our Acts: Life on Mission series, “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay,” we explore how God meets us in...
In this teaching, Jesus. Week 9, we hear Pastor Mike talk about when Jesus healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda on the...