In this teaching, hear Pastor Mike give a message about what gets us into Heaven. There are some Christians still teaching that we need to obey a bunch of man-made laws to be saved, but we're free from that. Don't let religious leaders use man-made laws to control you. Paul, in Colossians 2, is asking why would we keep following old laws that have been removed? Our new life has begun! We don't wait until Heaven comes to start celebrating the freedom that comes in Christ. We are free from sin now!
Week 4 of Unlovable Join Pastor Mike Wilson on week 4 of Unlovabe as he talks about relational support. Teaching Text 2 Timothy 2:3-4...
Discover the life-changing truth that Salvation Is for All in Week 14 of our teaching series, Acts: Life on Mission. This message dives into...
Galatians - Rescued & Recruited - Week 1 Joining the Team: Discovering Your Purpose Welcome to the kickoff of our new teaching series, "Galatians:...