In this teaching, Jesus. Week 14, we hear Pastor Mike talk about Jesus doing something none of us could imagine enduring, and in his humanity, He couldn't have done it. So how did He do it? How did Jesus endure the cross?
Everyone has felt it. Every student, parent, and leader has felt the urge to quit. "I'm not smart enough. No one will help me. I don't have enough money. I'm too shy. I'm too ugly." Maybe you want to quit your marriage, job, or something else. Quitting is Easy. Perseverance is hard.
You might have to work harder or fail more times than others. You might have to be more disciplined or read slower than others. You might not be as smart, pretty, or wealthy, but
God has given you everything you need to do what He created you to do.
No Shave November Week 1 Teaching In this teaching, we hear from Pastor Mike as he talks about how we should not focus on...
No Shave November Week 3 Teaching In this teaching, we hear from Pastor Paul talks about the freedom we have in our Christian walk...
Acts Week 7 Teaching In this teaching, we hear from Pastor Mike as he talks about resolving conflict. The ability to resolve conflicts is...