In this teaching, Jesus. Week 12, we hear Pastor Mike talk about our need for mentors and how we should mentor others.
Everyone should have a mentor. The people I know who grow more than most are mentor squirrels. They’re gathering mentors like squirrels gather nuts. YouTube isn’t enough. You can learn to build a house on YouTube, not a life.
Mentors know you. They can customize their advice to your specific situation. When they know you, they can tell you what you need to know, not expect you to search for the right questions on YouTube.
But here’s the danger. Don’t wait until you’re perfect before you move to mentoring others. A lot of mentorship squirrels never become mentors. Their identity gets so wrapped up in perfecting themselves that they never mature into a person who focuses on others more than themselves. Jesus came to shift our focus from self to others. So we must lead others.
Look for ways to influence people. Find young people and take them under your wing. This will take intentionality. Jesus (God Himself) was regularly in the home of his disciples. At some point, we have to say
I can’t go any further until I’m leading someone beside me.
If you’ve struggled with something but don't anymore, mentor someone. If you’re out of debt, lost weight, been promoted, learned to cook, gotten married, given birth, or read a book in the Bible. If you’ve done almost anything, find someone who hasn't done that thing and mentor them.
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