Jesus. - Week 8

February 20, 2023 00:38:20
Jesus. - Week 8
New Life Gillette Church Teachings
Jesus. - Week 8

Feb 20 2023 | 00:38:20


Hosted By

Mike Wilson

Show Notes

In this teaching, Jesus. Week 8, we hear Pastor Mike talk about the beatitudes and how God blesses outsiders. In Jesus' teaching, he isn't saying He won't bless insiders, but statistically, they are less likely to receive His blessing.

A vessel becomes valuable when its contents
are valuable.

We've got a world of people assigning value to people and to themselves based on their beauty, their wealth, their power, or the number of followers on Instagram, but it's all meaningless. We're all going to die, and

Without God our bodies are worthless.

But if God is in you, your value cannot be measured. If God is in you, you are infinitely valuable.

We are all called to give everything to each other. Christians are vessels who choose to surrender their agendas to be used by God. We're the vessel, and when He is in us, we have value.

Jesus. Week 8 Teaching Text

Matthew 5:1-12

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