In this teaching, we hear from Pastor Mike as he talks about faith and how God's not like us. He wants us to be faithful, and the only way we can be effective in our mission is to be faithful, but because we can't stay faithful to Him. He was faithful for us, and the literal Good New is:
Our faith in God's faithfulness is enough.
We cheated on God, and He says, you can't fix the relationship by doing better. The only way you can be made right is with faith. Legalism says be holy THEN God will be faithful, that's not the gospel.
Faith is the root. Faithfulness is the fruit.
Faith in God produces faithfulness to God. It changes us and makes us productive, but if there's no faith, there's no root, and what happens to a tree with no roots? It dies and doesn't produce fruit. So what does faith look like?
There is no formula to start a relationship with God. Did you know there’s not just one way to teach someone the gospel message?...
Love is a theme that runs throughout the book. John talks about what we shouldn’t love, how we are loved, how we know what...
Fresh Start Week 1 Teaching In this teaching, we hear Pastor Mike talk about forgiveness. Ephesians 5:1 says we should imitate God, therefore, in...