In this teaching, we hear Pastor Mike talk about how the New Testament is a balancing act. It's constantly telling us that goodness can't save us. The law can't save us, BUT we should be good because we've been saved and what does goodness look like? Well, that's simple: Extravagant Love The entire law of Scripture can be summed up in one word: love. If you want to know if an action is right or wrong, ask yourself, Is it loving?
Jesus. Week 3 Teaching In this teaching, Jesus. Week 3, we hear Pastor Paul talk about Jesus' Baptism where Jesus kind of hears those...
How would the average adult describe a teenager? In most cases the description is usually negative and if you ask teens what they think...
Shut Your Pie Hole - Week 2 Share Generously Welcome to the second week of our "Shut Your Pie Hole" series! We're glad you're...