Share Jesus | Generous IRL - Week 1

October 09, 2023 00:32:33
Share Jesus | Generous IRL - Week 1
New Life Gillette Church Teachings
Share Jesus | Generous IRL - Week 1

Oct 09 2023 | 00:32:33


Hosted By

Mike Wilson

Show Notes

How old were you when you started to learn about sharing? Maybe you learned about it because you were asked to share, and you did not want to share.  Maybe you shared something with someone and you loved the feeling of being appreciated.

I want us to jump into one of my favorite stories because even though these people lived way before Jesus ever walked the earth, they share a great picture of how to share Jesus or the attributes of Jesus with people who need some Jesus in their lives.  We can learn so much about sharing Jesus from the story of Ruth and Boaz.

Ways to Share Jesus:

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