There's no such thing as an intelligent creation without an intelligent creator. So what is our job? Our job is to convince the world they've been lied to. It's our primary objective. It's our purpose. Billy Graham said,
"I believe that one of the great problems in the church today is that we’re not really convinced that it is our responsibility to win people to Christ. We think it’s the responsibility of the evangelist or the pastor or the missionary. But it is the responsibility of every Christian."
Billy Graham
If only pastors are telling people about Jesus, we're in big trouble. Know why? Because people trust pastors less than they trust you. Get this, a survey asked people if they trust people in different professions, and only
39% trust clergy
The world doesn't trust clergy and you might think, "Oh that's just the world we live in. People don't trust institutions of any kind anymore," but that's not true. Here are some other professions:
People trust you MORE than they trust pastors. So we can't just hope pastors tell everyone about Jesus. It's got to be all of us. If we love people like Jesus told us to, we have to tell them about Jesus so they can make it to heaven.
Jesus. Week 1 Teaching In this teaching, we hear Pastor Paul talks about the birth of Jesus. Jesus. Week 1 Teaching Text Luke 2:1-7
In this message, Pastor Mike tells us the full story that is presented in the Bible. He starts at the beginning when God created...
Shut Your Pie Hole - Week 2 Share Generously Welcome to the second week of our "Shut Your Pie Hole" series! We're glad you're...