God doesn't always protect us physically, but when we put Him first, He gives us peace and eternal protection. I know that seems like a really simple idea, but the version of Christianity that is dominating America today is a very physically focus Christianity. It's all about God making my human life better. But Jesus said,
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.
John 16:33
I think that's the mark of someone who knows that their life is in Christ, and not in this world. Their faith in God is so great, that their worries of this world fade away. They have peace.
Even in victory, we will have pain. The temptation is to believe that victory means everything will be easy. No. God never intended for us to live an easy, comfortable life.
If I offered you $1 billion, would you take it? _ What if taking the $1 billion, meant you won’t wake up tomorrow, would you take the money? _ So how valuable is life? You would rather wake up than have $1 billion.
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A creation always has a creator. There's no such thing as an intelligent creation without an intelligent creator. So what is our job? Our...
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