Sexual and Spiritual Intimacy | First Things First - Week 3

May 08, 2023 00:31:17
Sexual and Spiritual Intimacy | First Things First - Week 3
New Life Gillette Church Teachings
Sexual and Spiritual Intimacy | First Things First - Week 3

May 08 2023 | 00:31:17


Hosted By

Mike Wilson

Show Notes

What is the most important thing in your relationship with your spouse? What is your relationship built on?

Every relationship has a hierarchy of values. Here are four kinds of intimacy from least important to most important.

Physical intimacy. It's the least important. Why? You've only got one body to give and there's only so long you can go. Your body is going to age, and get less & less attractive. Physical intimacy is very limited.

Social intimacy. You can be social with more than one person. A good social group can actually build intimacy between two individuals. It's on the social level that we start to really care about someone.

Intellectual intimacy. Is about shared ideas we don't have to agree on everything, but we connect on the things we do agree on. We have common values that team us up when we're with people who don't have those values.

Spiritual intimacy. Allows two people to become one. This is why it's important to be equally yoked, to be married to another Christian. You can only have spiritual intimacy with someone you are spiritually connected to and it's the biggest box because God's in it. Put God first.

First Things First Week 3 Teaching Text

I Corinthians 7:1-5

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